Jamini, Bengal Foundation’s international arts journal, debuted in August 2003; at a time of a resurgence of artistic endeavours in Bangladesh. The country boasted of a vibrant art scene and a thriving art market. Painters and sculptors had a supportive clientele and routinely participated in international art exhibitions; new galleries emerged; and an art film movement had brought together a group of talented young filmmakers who were making their mark both nationally and regionally. The country also witnessed a lively theatre scene with plays being staged that combine traditional elements with modernist themes and techniques. Moreover, long forgotten dance traditions were being revived and made relevant to the contemporary scene.
Bengal Foundation launched Jamini with the intention of assessing these developments, and to present them to a global and regional readership. Jamini primarily focuses on the Bangladeshi arts, but also strives to depict important art movements and showcase major artists of the region and around the world.
Visit the website : jaminiarts.com